Apr 13, 2011


I can't quite believe that we're almost there, it's been quite a ride I must say. The last few days have been tough, I hiked a couple of time at the weekend, including Hong Kong's infamous 'Twins' which is 1,000 steps straight up.

Consequently I've had jelly legs for the last three days - not great when you have a lot of skipping to do! Everything else is going well. I've been getting a little nostalgic thinking that this extraordinary experience is soon to be over and I must admit I am feeling a little rudderless. Life is rather more straightforward when other people are setting your goals, dietry requirements and schedules for you. I guess that's why this is only phase 1.

Most people are asking me what I'm going to do to celebrate the end of this journey: 'Are you going to go out and get wasted', 'are you going to eat until you're sick?' 'which gutter are we going to find you in?'. Interesting how our priorities change and what we think of as suitable 'treats'. Everyone would probably think I'm a little strange if I said that i'm most likely going to celebrate by halfing my jumprope time and not worrying quite so much about what 170gms of fruit looks like.


  1. I'm with you on the celebration. No I don't plan to spend days reverting back to my OLD ways....just not push it so hard or weigh my food ALL the time! :)

  2. And the good news is this mental reset of what a "treat" is will stick with you for years and years.

  3. At least crack a beer man, you're making me look bad. Just kidding, you nailed it. Nothing tastes better than plain pure fruit these days... Stunning pics btw.

  4. Well said Geordie. Awesome job!
