Apr 6, 2011

Day 82

I've just been beaten up by Nick J who suggested that I haven't been blogging sufficiently of late, so apologies if I have seemed at all aloof. Like many of you, PCP has become such a part of the routine, it seems that there's less reason to put pen to paper in these final stages. Like everyone else I have been wondering about life post-pcp, but I have a feeling that Patrick has it all sorted out so I'm not overly concerned. I have been trying to think what the next challenge might be, but this all rather depends on when it's appropriate to start - Patrick, are we going to be taking a break for a week or so to let the body recover or can we plan for something else relatively soon?

Yesterday I finally had to bite the bullet and go and buy some new clothes as the current batch just doesn't fit anymore. I have to say, this rather pleased me, as I now seem to fit into some clothes available in HK! (sample size here doesn't tend to be for 6ft 3" guys for some reason...). I mentioned to a few people that I'd be updating my wardrobe and the responses have been varied. There have been a few comments that irked me somewhat, mainly that this was the wrong time to be buying clothes as we'd all undoubtedly balloon again before too long. I guess that this has made me more determined than ever to ensure that everything is sustainable.

Exercises are getting tough, and skipping for 21 minutes has the effect of leaving me rather whacked for the rest of the routine. Consequently I've been hitting failure rather sooner than I'd like perhaps. I guess that failure is always good though right?


  1. Lovely post. That has satiated my desire for an update (this calls for a winky face :) ).

    With you on the naysayers thing.. have had the same comments such as 'this is unsustainable, it will all go back on anyway etc etc'.

    Line up the HK tailors for some garish suit fittings. I will be in need also.

  2. The tailors are primed and ready. makes a nice change from their normal greeting 'you got fat'!

  3. Screw the negative comments from people and prove 'em wrong.

    Those HK tailors are going to love you and Nick! :)

  4. Those people have never experienced 3 months straight of eating and moving right. They are thinking like dieters, not athletes.

  5. Nothing like a fit man in a well fit suit! Knock their socks off...
