Apr 7, 2011


I was interested to read Patrick's blog this morning regarding abs exercises and wanted to write something about that as well as our other gym-based homework assignment. 

Firstly, the gym; as I mentioned in a blog a while back, I'm relatively lucky that I have a gym close to home that I've already paid for. It's not so much that I think this is essential for getting healthy, I think that we've all seen that it's not at all, however, I find it the most conducive space to zone out of work/home stresses. There’s a good atmosphere, the floors are sprung and ‘the eye of the tiger’ is blasted out at just the right volume. HK apartments are also tiny small. Imagine if you were confined to your bathroom for your whole exercise routine and you probably get the picture.

What is clear is that a lot of people must just really like being in the gym, because they don’t seem to be working out much. Instead I’ve notice a lot of chatting by the water-cooler and general peacocking. What’s also clear is that the majority of guys in the gym would be roughly the size they are now whether they were working out or not – I’m guessing that genetics are involved! All I can say is what a waste of time and money…

With regards to the abs, I was pleased to hear that we should be looking for some alternatives as it’s easy to get stuck in a rut. There’s always a lot of equipment lying around at the gym, but in true PCP style I’ve been drawn towards the medicine ball. This strikes me as an honest tool for getting in shape. There are no ‘ab machine promises’ or new-fangled gadgetry to speak of, just a heavy ball that’s going to push you to failure. It seems to me that it fits in the jump-rope category of no-nonsense functional fitness. Consequently, here’s a link to some medicine ball ab work-outs. If you’ve got space to work out at home I guess you can substitute for something of similar size and weight – a paint pot, boulder, youngest child…


  1. I agree with you on the gym --- need to do that homework. Neat about the medicine ball....the kids karate teacher used that at times for an extra workout...he made games out of it. They loved it!

  2. My karate teacher used to drop those things on our abs. We got real strong real quick!

  3. Thanks for the medicine ball tips: I like the Rocky solo exercise...... and I like your word "peacocking"... very much.

  4. What is "peacocking" exactly?

  5. Kind of strutting around showing your tail-feathers... showing off the biceps and just spending a little too much time in front of the mirrors...
