Apr 15, 2011

Completed Day 90 - Final photo and some lessons learnt

Okay, so time for the final reveal... Let's start with photos from Day 5:

I wish that I could say that I was sticking my stomach out for effect in this shot.

Looking distrinctly doughy

Day 90:

Certainly an improvement... sadly not on the hairline, but we can't expect miracles.

So, what have I learnt from this adventure? (my apologies in advance if some of these seem to be doused in cliche)
  1. If something is worth doing, it's worth doing properly
  2. We all need to take responsibility for our own actions
  3. Vegetables for breakfast really is the way forward
  4. Fruit is REALLY tasty and isn't just a substitute for sweet treats, it beats them hands down
  5. It's hard to take a complimentary picture of yourself, particularly from a make-shift tripod
  6. There is no magic moment when excercise becomes 'easier'
  7. There are also no short-cuts, potions or contraptions that can be substituted for hard work
  8. A sympathetic support network does wonders 
  9. If you commit to something and give it the respect it deserves, others tend to welcome your desicions rather than dismiss them
  10. 90 days really is a drop in the ocean in the grand scheme of things
  11. Fad diets are an UTTER waste of time
  12. If you want to do something badly enough, you can always find the time
  13. Jumping rope is not just for little girls
  14. Most people in the gym are nothing more than tyre-kickers
  15. My spelling is much worse than I thought without spell-check
  16. The harder you work, the more sleep you need
  17. When it comes to booze, quality beats quantity every time
  18. There are very few things in life that really need added sugar
  19. I think that I'm finally done with smoking
  20. When this is all done and dusted we'll still have Chad - he's going no-where.
All in all, this really has been a wonderful and enlightening experience, the lessons of which will stick with me for years to come. A friend texted me this morning and asked me what I'd had for my celebration breakfast this morning. I think that she was expecting me to say that I treated myself to waffles, a fry-up or bowl of coco pops. She was probably rather disappointed when I told her that I'd had wholemeal toast, spinach, grilled chicken and poached egg...

Patrick, a huge heart-felt thank you to you, it's really been great and I've learnt a huge amount from you. As a born sceptic, I was delighted by the lack of quackism and hollow promises, you've created something really great here.

And to everyone else, a massive congratulations. You've all been a great team and I'll miss the camaraderie we've had.

Here's to phase 2...


  1. Sure that the black and white picture is not one of Jason Statham?

  2. From one skeptic to another, thanks man. That list you wrote is the reason I do this, person by person let's take back wellness from the con-artists and incompetent and put it in the hands of the people! Great working with you, enjoy and take care of your new body. Your hairline looks BADASS...


  3. Um, holy cow. If I may say so, you look hot. Congratulations Geordie... Your lessons resonate. And I had a fish sandwich for breakfast, myself. Why stop? Take it easy now pal. You deserve it!

  4. WOW back to you! What a change --- you look GREAT. I love your list --- you nailed it. Way to go. I'm with you, not giving up my great breakfast's...they were the best (although I'll have an egg sandwich instead of fish)! :)

  5. Geordie - job well done man...wow...what a change. Like the others I really enjoyed reading your list and found myself just shaking my head in agreement. If it were easy everybody would be doing it. Best wishes to you and thanks for the teamwork.

  6. the photo says it all.. BOOM! nailed it. you look like youre wearing a batman suit man. awesome work.

  7. Geordie, you look great. Thank you also for your support. Best wishes and hairlines are over-rated, yours is great.
