Jan 25, 2011

Day 10

It seems that my job is intent on throwing a few challenges my direction this week! Breakfast is now a good routine, and with a little bit of multitasking I was able to get some brown rice, carrots and grilled chicken rady for lunch before heading to the office, but my on-going issue for the next few days is eating out. Although it's reasonable to cut down your social calander whilst committing to PCP, it's a harder task when it's work orientated (especially when you work in the wine trade). When I sat down to look at my week's schedule yesterday I was faced with the following prospect: Monday - Staff Dinner and wine tasting; Tuesday - Journalist lunch with winemaker, wine tasting in the evening; Wednesday - journalist lunch; Thursday - Journalist lunch followed by wine tasting; Friday - Client lunch. Now, it doesn't take a veteran PCPer to realise that this is a pretty tall order... Consequently, I spent most of yesterday getting pretty friendly with chefs. Dinner last night was fine. I nosed the wines and didn't drink them and I got the chef to prepare a pcp friendly version of the dinner which was delicious: Scallops on spinach and french beans followed by steak, cauliflower and bok choy, with carbs in the form of brown rolls. I have to admit that I was forced to slightly guesstimate of portion weights but I think that I was pretty spot on. I've managed to ensure that the rest of my lunches this week happen in the same restaurant. I organised a meeting with the chef yesterday and took him through the requirements. The good news is that he was kind of interested so I'm hoping that it's all amazing. Today I'm looking forward to a salmon salad followed by a mackerel dish of some sort... can't wait!

The biggest concern is how do I have lunch with a wine maker/journalists and not drink his wine? Answers on a postcard please...

Exercises all going well. Tonight will have to be late training but at least it's getting done...


  1. Haha, tough break GW. Altho with another 10.5 weeks to go, and considering your line of work, probably a great idea to get to know all the chefs at your local eateries, so they know what to expect. Perhaps a plus point to really impress in front of the clients, when the Maitre'D comes over to your table and simply says 'The usual, Sir?' as you nod impressively.

    Pump those pullups

  2. I feel your pain Geordie. I've been invited to two tastings and a new menu unveiling this week. However as a freelancer I can pick and choose my temptations, thankfully. Good luck with yours! Think how good you'll feel at the end.

  3. Oh my gosh, my husband and I are a bit envious of your lifestyle! Good wine and good food - our favorite things. Don't know how to solve your wine dilemma, but chatting with the chef was a great idea. Keep a strong will power. Envision your inspiration figure. You will work it out.

  4. As per advise: you can either explain you are doing the PCP or tell the guy you can't mix wine with antibiotics. But seriously speaking, though I can safely say none of us have your delicious job, I would advise you tell the whole world what you're doing and, as I plan to do today after work, buy the coolest lunchbox you can find.

  5. Don't worry, I'm telling people slowly but surely...!
