Jan 20, 2011

Day 6 - First social outing...

Last night was the first social work commitment that has come up since starting PCP and I must admit that I've been wondering how I am going to cope with these. It was a gallery opening and we had sponsored the wines for the first night of the new exhibition. My initial concern was that if we were supplying the wines, people would think it strange that I was not drinking them (what's wrong with them??), but I think that was just paranoia; I held a glass of water all evening and no-one batted an eye-lid. As tray after tray of canapes passed by I smiled and refused them and actually it was all relatively straightforward. While one group of friends tried to rally the troops to a late dinner (inevitably boozy and too many courses), I joined two friends for a lime soda at a nearby bar. Admittedly I was quite hungry when I arrived home at 9.30pm, but all in all a successful evening.
So, my observation for the day... You can still be sociable when trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I spoke to a couple of friends about the program and rather than dismissing it, they were interested and wanted to participate (i.e. join for a hike, meet for a non-alcoholic drink, go for a run), when I was expecting them to be dismissive. This is good news!


  1. Way to go Geordie, wine tasting and canapes, and all resisted early doors. way to give peer pressure a beating. Glad your friends are supporting you as well. Big up!

  2. I very much relate to your experience and agree that being healthy and sociable are not two mutually exclusive aspects of life.
