Jan 19, 2011

Back to Reality

Just a quick blog this morning as I have the inevitable pile of emails on my desk that always result from a couple of days out of the office... Half portions are still going well. What's interesting is that I'm really not that hungry inbetween meals, which only goes to show that I normally have a tendency to over-eat. I would generally start my day with a bowl of oats with banana or poached eggs on toast with baked beans. This morning I went for the latter but cut down to just one slice of toast, one egg etc, and I must say I'm feeling as full as I normally would - whether I still do by lunchtime remains to be seen...! Exercises are still going well but I echo some of the other posts that I've just been reading; it's great that we're easing in slowly!


  1. Hello Geordie; What happened with lunch? I am constantly looking at the clock waiting for "half-time". Cheers!

  2. Hi Chris,
    I made it to lunch in one piece thanks, topping up with a green tea if I was ever getting a bit peckish. Lunch itself was a bit disappointing though. I don't know about everyone else but with the reduced intake, I really look forward to what I'm going to be eating (albeit in half rations). Since about 10am I had been salivating over thought of a tuna wrap, but got caught on a conference call and ended up popping out later than expected. Needless to say all the good stuff had already been snapped up and I had to settle for a rather limp looking pesto chicken salad. It was actually pretty tasty, but the look on my face at the counter must have been like a kid who'd just been told that Christmas was cancelled...!

  3. Isn't that amazing, feeling full with just half.
    A rule of thumb applicable to other aspects of life.
