Jan 14, 2011

It Begins

Geordie's stepping up!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, so here goes. Day 1 has been an interesting one as I am in Tokyo for the first time. In a city that's stuffed to bursting point with yakitori bars, tempura and every other delicacy under the sun, cutting down on eating is going to be an tough task! Having said that, I'm rather pleased with my efforts; the early hours of the morning were spent at Tsukiji Fish Marketing, a truly amazing place. After a couple of hours just taking in the sights (and trying not to be mown down by the mini fork-lift trucks) we settled into a tiny sushi bar for the freshest breakfast I've ever had. Delicious sashimi, sushi and miso soup was all set down before us, and (perhaps against my better judgement!) I left half of everything. What surprised me was that the impending terror of being hungry later in the morning never materialised, proving what I already know, in that I over eat out of habit - nice lesson for day one. After heading up to Ueno for a bit of culture we dropped into a Ramen joint for some lunch. Again half was left in the bowl and I was pleased to find that as well as not being hungry, I wasn't left feeling bloated or lethargic either. Perhaps as a 'large' reminder of what happens if you over-eat, we spent the afternoon at a Sumo Tournament. Boy, those guys are MASSIVE! I'm now back in my hotel room about to partake in some exercises before some dinner out in Shibuya. I haven't got the kit needed to upload any pictures, but rest assured that I have taken them. I'll put them up when I'm back home in HK.
