Jan 26, 2011

Day 11 - Super-chef

Okay, so I admit, I do have a fun job I love it, but it’s just not that conducive to a healthy lifestyle! This is a particularly brutal week in terms of tastings and lunches, but you can imagine how bloated and lethargic you get, constantly feeling a little bit off your game. Anyway… lunch was great and the chef really excelled himself. Just before we sat down I got the following email from him:

3 pieces medium bread 60-80g

salad, veg, avocado, 140g
salmon, 30g

Mackeral 135g (raw so allowed 5g shrinkage)
Spinach (lemon juice) 40g
Jerusalem Artichoke 40g

How great is that? The other lesson that I learned from this is that PCP food can be delicious. I’m sure that I’m not the only one who has been lamenting the lack of flavor in the initial dishes that we’ve been cooking; we’re so used to salt and excessive seasoning from years of conditioning that everything seemed bland and lifeless. What yesterday’s menu proved is that you can get flavor by the bucket-load if you know what you’re doing without using salt/sugar/flavorings. The other thing that I’m getting used to, is that if you have a drink with you, no-one notices whether you’re actually drinking it or not. I sat opposite the winemaker yesterday and had two of his incredible wines sitting in front of me for the entire meal. Every once in a while I would pick one up and ‘nose’ it, then return it to the table. I don’t think that anyone suspected a thing and I actually got a real sense of the wines as well (smell is hugely important when it comes to wine tasting). Another small tasting in the evening for 6 people meant 6 more wines to lust after… In all seriousness though, I’m not finding the drinking element too tough at the moment – sometimes it’s nice to have a break from alcohol!

Due to the tasting I made it the gym a little later than usual, around 9pm. It was blissfully quiet and I made it through the routine without too many concerns. Today means another lunch and then my first free evening since Saturday – can’t wait…!


  1. Love that chef! I have noticed that all my food tastes "brighter"... enjoy your evening.

  2. I love how he even included the grams in his email! Great guy!

  3. The chef knows what he's doing. Interesting about the smell of the wines. Don't people sometimes spit the wine out at tastings? That would be PCP friendly.

  4. Yes, people sometimes spit, but sometimes the temptation is just too great! Re the smell of wine:

    "Smell and Taste

    Have you ever tried desperately to detect flavour from a food or beverage when you had a terrible cold? You probably tasted very little, if anything at all. Research indicates that 70 to 75% of what we taste is actually due to our sense of smell. Specialized "aroma" nerves in the nose are necessary to identify tastes more subtle than sweet, sour, bitter and salty. Smell and taste go hand-in-hand when wine tasting . . . without your sense of smell you would be unable to detect the delicate flavours of chocolate, herbs or smoke in your wine."

    Who would have thought that you'd be getting wine education when you signed up to PCP...!

  5. This is exciting stuff to see Geordie :) It is great to see that your stealth wine experiences are working and not too stressful during the situation. Also makes your realize we put so much undo pressure on ourselves ... most people dont know what other people do because they are wrapped up in their own things. Keep up the great work and commitment!

    Keep the wine education coming- I certainly have lots to learn :)

  6. Yes, keep the wine education going. Also, would be interesting to know what wines to choose when eating PCP friendly meals for day 91. Nice work all around Geordie...
