Jan 28, 2011

Day 12/13 - More of the same...

Okay, so I've now reached Friday and this rather hectic week is almost over, thank goodness... Wednesday heralded another journalist lunch which included my new favourite mackerel dish again - luckily still delicious so that was fine. A relatively relaxed evening (albeit with quite a late training session) before hitting Thursday which I new was going to be tough. First challenge was a lunch for 12 journalists... I think that it's fair to say that journalists enjoy a drink now and again, and you can only imagine how that's amplified if they're dining with someone in the booze trade! I was worried for nothing it turned out; everyone behaved and enjoyed the 3 wines that we were tasting and I stuck to my PCP menu. Last night was a big tasting as well - 35 2009 Burgundy's from all the top producers. This is quite a major event and we hosted about 65 guests who spent the evening spitting, willing and pontificating. It was fun though, and great to be able to talk to everyone about the wines, without indulging myself. As Patrick noted in his recent comment, they'll all still be there after the 90 days are up, and most of these wines will be drinking at their best nearer to 2020! I didn't get out of there until 8.30pm but made it to the gym at 9pm. Work-outs are going well, but I did realise when I got home that I'd neglected to do the lunges by mistake (I find these quite tough so maybe my subconciousness was working overtime!). I'm guessing that it's probably not the end of the world if I add these on to the workout today.

Oh, and discovery for the day, it seems that between 9pm and 10pm there is a poledancing class in the room next to where I train... Needless to say I found it quite hard to concentrate on my skipping...