Jan 21, 2011

Day 7

Yesterday I decided to do my exercises in the gym and I must say it really helped. There was something about the location, the music, the other people etc that made me work harder than normal. Consequently it felt tough, but hard work is also more rewarding right?? I think that I'm probably going to do this from now on as I'm lucky, the gym is pretty close to my house and i'm already a paid up member. The cushioned floors are also great for skipping and if anyone knows HK, they'll know how small apartments are (genuinely couldn't swing a cat)!! Food is still going well. An avocado and pine nut wrap for lunch was delicious (and half the size of the two sandwiches that I'd normally chose) and then dinner was out on the town. I went with a couple of girls to one of my favourite restaurants, Zuma. It's an amazing sushi joint and I normally stuff myself there (they do an AMAZING buffet brunch on Sundays). I tried an interesting experiment when it came to ordering; I knew that I was hungry, and when I'm hungry I tend to over-order, I also know that girls tend to order less than guys (is that an awful generalisation??), so I asked one of the girls to pick all the food. Consequently the amount of food we received was considerably less than usual. I then made sure to eat half of what was there - success! Fresh lime and soda is still my drink of choice at the moment. I find that even a small glass of wine drops my inhibitions enough to leave me reaching for the bottle!


  1. You sound so smart with your food choices Geordie... but I think I could give those girls a run for their money when ordering sushi... (let's just say I am enthusiastic). Thanks for the reminder of fresh lime and soda, a lovely drink! Good luck with the new diets too...

  2. Interesting food tactic, let a skinny girl order for you! I like it.

  3. Hi Geordie, I'm a former PCPer. I hope you don't mind me commenting on your blog from time to time. I wish you all the best in your program.

    Ha! I love the letting a skinny friend order idea.

    Question, what did the other people in the gym think when they saw you doing your PCP workout and not touching the weights? One of the best stories I read on someones blog was two PCPers running into each other at a gym. Neither of them were on the weights, they were simply following Patrick's program to the letter. The PCPers recognized each other by the exercises they were and weren't doing.

    Hey, PCP?

    Oh my god, Yeah!


  4. Sulaiman and i went to Nobu :) We have been eating every night at a Japanese restaurant. Zuma's turn is coming this week.
