Feb 1, 2011

Day 17 - Liu Yuan Pavilion

I went out to a great Shanhainese restaurant last night in Wanchai called Liu Yuan Pavilion. My fellow diners included a friend who's the editor of a well-known food guide and his wife, a friend who's about to embark on a butchery course at a top restaurant and two friends who own the best cocktail bar in HK. Needless to say, food was the topic on everyone's lips! Everyone was very receptive to the PCP plan, and although I was certainly envious of the delicious dishes on the table, (Gai wui mein, smoked egg, Ma lan tao (a chopped green veggie), sticky crab rice... the list goes on) I was quite happy snacking on healthier fare. I had some smoked egg, some steam bun and then we got the kitchen to make me some chiken noodle soup (without using salt) - just the sort of thing that you need if you've got a cold. We're about the head into Chinese New Year here, so looking forward to a couple of days off for some hiking and fresh air!

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