Feb 14, 2011

Day 31 - Confession

It's been a few days since I've blogged so a few things to catch up on. In the interest of transparency I also have to admit to a couple of cheats since I last updated my status (actually, maybe three cheats now I come to think of it...). When I received the email on our first indulgence day, I decided that I'd save that particular treat for Saturday night when I was due to be on a date (a couple of glasses of wine appealed I must say). I had not taken into consideration that our menu was going to change, so my first cheat was that Saturday night did not mark the start of my apple, banana and egg white menu. It did however include a very good mesculin salad followed by fish in broth - all (week 4) PCP friendly, so I'm not going to beat myself up too much.

Cheat two... my date and I shared a bottle of wine so I may have had 3 glasses rather than 2 (it was nice wine though and I drank with a glass of water inbetween each glass).

We then went back into town to a cocktail place run by a friend of mine. I had a water while she had a cocktail - so far so good. I did however, then let the side down a bit. I felt bad that she was drinking and I wasn't so I did join her in a cocktail and a couple or vodka tonics before dropping her off home.

Sooooo, I definitely behaved badly, BUT, I did get up at 8am the next morning to go on an 8km hike, which was followed by a good gym session to do my PCP routine. I am of course back on track now but have been feeling guilty, so thought it best to post all the details.

Loving the new exercises though and my first foray into the new dinners went well last night. Weigh in again tomorrow so we'll see how that goes.

Oh, and I have to say, although Saturday night was fun, I really didn't feel like I've been missing out on much.


  1. look who has been a naughty boy then! great work on beating yourself up about it tho and doubling up on the cardio.

    Totally agree on the whole 'had a few drinks, wasnt actually as amazing as i thought it would be' thing. I had three vodka sodas as my thirty day treat, and whilst okay, it was alright and felt good being out and being social late with friends, the alcohol did not add much.

    been lazy on the blog too, inspired me to fire it up in the am!

  2. Did you tell your date about the PCP? Will you see her again? hahahahaaaaaa...How was your head the next morning?

  3. Ha! I had told her before so I can't really blame her for leading me astray if I'm honest...! I actually felt fine in the morning, probably helped by getting straight outside and doing some exercise.

    It did make me realise that i haven't really been missing alcohol too much though, I've been pretty happy without it.

  4. I REALLY like my wine. Surprisingly I am not missing it too much. But I know when we are done I'll be looking forward to having it with dinner again. I do expect however to be smarter about it - I am looking forward to that.

  5. Not drinking has been one of the easiest parts of the PCP so far, for me, and what a shock that is. Sounds like minor cheats and well handled. Good to go!

  6. Sounds like fun, though not drinking isn't really that hard for me. Did you wake up OK or were you hungover?

  7. I wasn't hungover Juan, but am pretty good at drinking lots of water etc. My mother's family have been selling wine for 300 years so we're pretty good at knowing all the tricks of the trade!
