Feb 22, 2011

Day 37

Although we're not a million miles away from the halfway point now, I feel that we've really come a long way since we started this project in January. Blogs are slowing down a bit, but I guess that's because describing what you're eating each day loses its appeal after a while (for the record, mashed avocado with cayenne pepper and Bragg's Liquid Aminos on Ezekiel 4:9 bread with a poached egg is the breakfast of kings - someone put me on to this bread the other day, it's unbelievably good!!). Consequently I imagine that over the next few days blogs are going to get more philosophical.

I have to say I agree with Molly's latest post; I find it hard to understand why people might want to quit around now when the real changes are first becoming evident. For me this is the time when it's all starting to get exciting!

For these 3 months PCP does take over your life to a greater degree and I've been blown away by the way everyone in the group has been able to balance everything so well, whether that's Andy with his hectic tennis schedule or Heather with her kids; it's seriously impressive stuff. It's made me realise that my life before PCP probably lacked some sort of control. In the past I would decide what to eat when I was hungry, exercise when (if) I had the time. Consequently it was hard to find real balance or stability. Now I have to think ahead and with that has come a new sense of responsability - my attitude has altered. No longer do dishes get left in the sink until the morning, or do I forget to leave money out for the cleaner. I don't get up to find that the milk has run out and I'm better prepared for meetings. So a side-effect of having more respect for yourself and your body is having more respect for others it seems. That can't be a bad thing at all can it?


  1. Respect, right back at you Geordie... Love the bread too! Tried to comment earlier and it didn't stick... hope you get this one, with thanks for your post.

  2. Geordie, I suppose a healthier mind is even more valuable than a healthy physique. You have come a long way. Let's hope the second half of this thing takes us to even greater heights. Thanks for your post.
