Feb 17, 2011

Day 34 - Bad co-ordination

I've had mixed success over the last 24 hours. I hit the gym yesterday afternoon with the intention of pushing myself on the skipping - I have a feeling that I have been giving myself a bit of an easy ride on this front so far... Normally I manage around 250 or 300 skips with a short 30 - 30 second break before starting again. Up until now, this has really been a counting issue as much as anything else. Last night I wanted to see how many I could manage if I just kept going. You can imagine my surprise when I hit 400 without too many problems, suddenly 500, 600 and 700 sailed by as well. I finally got to 1,219 before I snagged my toe. So there you go, who'd've thought it.

This morning I had to visit the gym at 7am as I have a lunch and then the theatre to go to this evening. It was a completely different story! On reading everyone's blogs i can see that a lot of you far prefer to be working out in the morning. What I realised is that when it comes to coordination, I don't think I wake up until after breakfast! I got through it all okay, but after such a successful run last night, it was ridiculous to be tripping every 50 skips or so...

Oh well, at least work-out is out of the way for the day. Those floor jumps were pretty painful this morning!!


  1. Yep - those floor jumps are unbelievably painful, but good.

  2. Wow, awesome job skipping. I need to push myself more...

  3. Oh my, that is great progress. My skipping is hit and miss no matter what time of day.
