Feb 28, 2011

Hump Day

So here we are, day 45 and halfway through the 'official' part of our PCP. All feels pretty good I must say, the sun is shining in Hong Kong and I feel great for a Monday morning! A few things have happened since I last blogged. Before Christmas I had gone to a clothing store and bought a couple of pairs of jeans, one smart pair (i.e. good fit, straight leg, the sort of thing you might be able to wear with a blazer at work) and another pair that are of a slightly more relaxed cut for slobbing around at the weekend. On Saturday night I was going to a birthday dinner for a friend of mine (it was her brother that put me on to PCP and it was being hosted at his house, so I knew that I would have a sympathetic audience in my hosts). I had been wearing the more relaxed pair of jeans during the day and when it came to getting ready I couldn't find the smarter pair ANYWHERE. It's always frustrating when you can't find something and this is exagerated 10-fold in HK where apartments are so small it should be physically impossible to misplace anything. Anyway, after about 30 minutes of turning the wardrobe upside down, I realised something: I had been wearing the smart pair all day and they were just that much loser that I assumed that they were the other pair - What an idiot - I fear that I'm going to have to do some clothes shopping in about 45 days time!!

Coupled with this, I also found myself having to put another hole in my belt. I'll be interested to see what the breakdown is when I have my fortnightly weigh-in tomorrow.

The dinner was great, but it was one of the first times that I've been REALLY jealous other people's food. I'd already had my egg whites so I wasn't hungry as such, but the dishes of roasted tomato and parmesan pasta, lamb shanks, tiramisu, and Italian cheeses that came out just looked and smelt delicious!

Oh, and I also broke my first resistance band - weirdly proud of that....

Everyone seems to be doing really well, keep it going!


  1. Funny about the jeans. I understand your pride in breaking a resistance band! :) My son broke one also.

  2. Great story. "Where the hell are those jeans!!!!... Oh...."

  3. Haha-- losing things that are on your body or right in front of you are a common occurance for me... drives me nuts! I am very about purchasing a new wardrobe too--- I dont want to haev to replace my clothes plus I hate shopping!

  4. funny post. awesome job. keep it up!

  5. that definitely is funny. I find outings with friends rough also. keep it up geordie!
