Mar 1, 2011


Today I wanted to write about something that is a little off-piste as in just over 2hrs a friend of mine is setting off on a 25,000km motorbike journey from Hong Kong to Brisbane, travelling through 10 countries. IIn each of the 10 territories Wheel2Wheel is highlighting one small charity or non-profit organisation that is tackling one of that country’s critical issues, doing it superbly but not yet receiving the systemic attention of the region’s philanthropic community.  

Morgan has been blogging about this monumental trip and there were a couple of paragraphs that stuck with me this morning, as he penned his final thoughts before departure:

"Fundamentally changing your life is almost impossible.  Sure, “things change” over the course of our 27,000-odd days on this planet, but do we?  Pretty much everything and everyone in our life keeps us more or less the same.  Life casts us and then we play our role.  We take breaks from it, we mess around with it, we reject it, we love it, and sometimes we question it.  Rarely do we change it, more often it changes us.

Most people would think I’ve planned my life strategically, the reality is far different.  I have tended to just react to opportunity rather than seek it out or create it.  I admire people who create.  My life is all about how I’ve reacted to chances that have come my way, and in that context I’ve always been an adventurer: willing try things and go places others dismiss without thought.  So I guess, this is just another adventure for me.  Wrong again.

After roughly 13,500 days, today I try to find my way home ….  Yes, in three hours I’m riding 24,500 kms to Brisbane, but I’m really riding into a new a paradigm I’ve been creating in my head for years.  A role perhaps cast for me, but with a script I couldn’t read until now.  Maybe life’s eternal questions won’t be answered over the next 115 days in the saddle of my motorbike, but my eyes will be wide open as I search for a deeper understanding of this fascinating planet and the people who inhabit it.

I have a sneaky suspicion there’s more to life than what most of us have seen up till now.  Whilst the first half has been full of amazing experiences, they all generally fit into an existential box I’ve been gleefully, yet naively, immersed in for too long.  My aspiration is freedom …  to roam … to think without prejudice or manipulation … to give … to experience only to learn … and to see, feel and hear the stories of others from different worlds.

Our world is changing, if not for the shortness of our individual time on this planet, we would see that so much more clearly.  I’m changing too, and one day soon I hope to see beyond my own imagination."

It strikes me that the physical journey that Morgan is about to commence is not dissimilar to the PCP journey that we've all been on for the last 45 days. If you have a moment, check out the website, it's inspiring stuff.

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