Mar 31, 2011

Day 76 - Indulgence

I'm in two minds about my indulgence. If I'd received a message like that from Patrick 6 weeks ago I would have jumped for joy, but it no longer carries quite the same appeal. In my head, treats are now 'good' food rather than 'bad' food. By that I mean fresh ingedients cooked with panache and innovation, rather than a greasy slice of pizza or a burger!

One thing that has been interesting is that over the last 10 weeks is that my relationship with food have changed immeasurably. Perhaps it's the fact that I'm never truly hungry, but I no longer crave instant satiation through junk food. I've always enjoyed healthy food, don't have a particularly sweet tooth, and can be pretty disciplined when I put my mind to it, but I was often lazy with my food choices. Takeaway food is the obvious example here. I'm enjoying appreciating food again and look food to nurturing this relationship going forward.

Consequently, rather than heading to the nearest kebab shop, tonight I am going to eat at the China Club. This is a great restaurant which will be know by anyone based in this neck of the woods. They specialise in Peking Duck and other delicious treats. Most of it will actually be pretty healthy, but it will be good to eat in a restaurant without organising it beforehand. I might even allow myself a glass of wine...

1 comment:

  1. I'm feeling the same way about the indulgence...not really feeling into it? Weird?
