Mar 28, 2011

Day 73

Just a quick update as I feel that I have been somewhat remiss recently in terms of blogging. All is still going well, although I do have a slight feeling that I may have plateaued recently - perhaps this is down to the fact that the pcp routine has become just that, a routine. Because I think less about it, I'm less concious of it. Having said that, I haven't strayed from the diet and the exercises are all going pretty well.

One thing that I've noticed is that I'm hitting failure rather earlier than used to be the case. For example, elevated press ups seem to be something of a non-starter at the moment. After a first set of the required amount, I only seem to have enough juice to manage further sets of 5 - 8 at a time. I guess this is because I've pushed myself on the exercise before (chest dips in yesterday's case) but I'm not sure whether this is a good thing. Is it possible that the effort that I put into one exercise is having a detrimental effect on the rest of the routine?

Other than that, all is pretty good. Can't believe that we're getting ever closer to this part of the journey. I was laughing yesterday when someone asked me how long I had to go. I told them that I was on the final push and they said 'Oh, so a couple more days?'. They were somewhat taken aback when i told them that there was another 3 weeks. I guess for some people, 3 weeks of detox feels like a long time...!


  1. yep homeward stretch is looking pretty good

  2. I hear you on the failure part. I think our bodies are just beat in places. Hopefully they'll rebuild and then we'll be kicking those sets again soon. Good luck Geordie, sounds like you are doing great!
