Mar 15, 2011

Day 60...

Wow, I can't quite believe that we've reached Day 60. Have of me feels like we've been doing this forever, but there's also a side of me that doesn't know where the time's gone. Knowing that we're 2/3 through is great though, and it's given me a real surge of energy knowing that everything is in sight (or almost in site if we're talking about the 6-pack).

I was interested to read Patrick's post yesterday about intensity and timing as I fear that thus far I've been slacking a little in the rest periods. I'm not suggesting that I'm stopping everything to read the paper for half an hour but I've probably given myself more than I need. Consequently I really went for it last night and it felt great. Sitting at my desk now I have that familiar dull ache of muscle soreness, but in a way that reminds me that I gave it some last night. I'm determined to keep this intensity up for the rest of the program.

The Italian's have all gone back to the Dolce Vita, so my life has calmed down a little (if I ignore the email detritus of 5 days away from my desk). I'm really pleased that I managed to get through it unscathed, although I am sad that I couldn't eat more of the delicious food all week. I've found over the course of the last 8 weeks that I have a greater respect for food, and I think about it a lot more. Not in a 'God I'm hungry and need a burger' sort of way, but in that I appreciate good food more. I've found myself fantasising about travelling after April and visiting places like Hanoi, famous for it's street food - it's become something of an obsession!

I'm also eating a lot of avocado, which I have a feeling that I might get called up on when the video is released on Friday. Did anyone ever read The Avocado Baby? It's a kids' book and rather relevant!

I'm still continually blown away by how well everyone is doing, keep up all the great work!

PS Patrick, some wine recommendations just for you:

Try some of the wonderful Barolos from Piedmont:

Cascina delle Rose
Az. Agr. Giovanni Rosso
Az. Agr. E. Pira
Cantina Mascarello Bartolo
Cascina Fontana


  1. I'm with you on the intensity. Patrick's email kicked my butt... Sounds like you are doing awesome Geordie. Keep it up!

  2. Yep, 2/3 done --- hard to believe! Keep going ---- we're almost there.

  3. Another 30 days sprint to the finish G-Bomb.. lets see that six pack on day 90, kill those abs.

    Your food related comments over last 60 days got me sweating.. Im looking forward to a post PCP assessment in a restaurant of your choosing coupled with some complimentary wine choices. in moderation of course, ahem.

  4. Its really great to see your hard work pay off-- definition is really going to pop out on you in the next 30 days-- cant wait to see the end results

  5. Awesome work Geordie. I think we might steal your wine recommendations for Patrick. of course I'll have to wait 30 days...
