Mar 21, 2011

Day 66

Am loving PCP at the moment. It's become so much part of my routine that I don't really have to think about it anymore. What I am thinking about is what happens next. I know that Patrick will be making his suggestions, and I also know that there's no going back on the diet; I'm amazed how much I love fresh fruit and yoghurt - I think of it in the same way that I used to think about sweets (that's candy to our American friends).
I am wondering what the next challenge will be though... Would love to hear what others are thinking life will be like post-pcp.

PS Those extra sets are giving a serious burn. Is it weird that I'm really enjoying that??


  1. Yeah, all of you should start thinking what you want to do with your new high-function bodies.

  2. Totally agree on the yogurt and the fruit. Where has it been all my life?

  3. We are on the same page. Also going through the happiest PCP times and a bit scared/curious to know what's at the other end of the Day 90 threshold. But whatever it takes, I am determined to stay in peak condition from there on.

  4. PCP came into my life, turned me on my head for a while, then changed my it's a part of my daily routine.
