Mar 5, 2011

Day 50

Days seem to be flying by at the moment, I can't believe that we're at Day 50 already. I must say, I really look forward to Saturday mornings to see what exercises we're facing for the week and (more importantly) what we're eating. I'm actually really pleased to see that I have a bit more food in the evening. It's not that I've been particularly hungry over the last couple of weeks, but I miss the process of eating and cooking. Eating eggs during the day is going to take a bity of forward planning, but nothing that can't be handled. Actually, this week in general is going to take a lot of planning as we have 5 Italian wine producers in town, which means around 16 events (tastings, dinners, journo interviews, lunches etc). I've had to speak to a lot of chefs to make sure that the pcp diet stays intact, and I'm delighted that I can have an indulgence day, which this time will be spent at Otto e Mezzo, one of my favourite restaurants in HK.

Weird day on the exercise front. Skipping was great, actually really enjoyed it, and feel into a good groove straight away. Exercises felt great, but I hit failure on a couple of exercises that I usually breeze through without too many problems (standing ovations for example). I guess this means that the routine is ramping up - nothing wrong with that!

Hope that everyone else is having a great weekend, here's to the next 40 days!


  1. Good stuff man and proof that no matter what your line of work, a good diet can be fit in.

  2. Geordie, you're doing great. Your positive attitude is very helpful to the rest of us. Keep it going. Enjoy your indulgence.

  3. Yep -- hitting failure on some exercises now also!

  4. I am so impressed that you can do this and work in the environment you do. Awesome!
