Mar 16, 2011

Day 61 - Weigh-in

Okay, so here goes for my fortnightly weigh-in and I'm running out of colours. It's good to see that I've lost 11kg/25lbs since the start of the project and I'm pleased that my BFP is down to 5.5%, almost a third of what it was 61 days ago. Like Nick J I always feel a bit disheartened when I see skeletal muscle mass go down, and I'm really hoping that the last month will see this figure going up. Patrick, I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on that... All in all feeling good though. Had to take 3 of my suits to the tailor yesterday to get them refitted. He was a little surprised to see that I'd lost 2.5" around the waist!

Original Weight: 95.6kg
Weight (01/02/11): 94.7kg (-0.9kg)
Weight: (15/02/11): 90.7kg (-4.0kg)
Weight: (01/03/11): 87.5kg (-3.2kg)
Weight: (16/03/11): 84.4kg (-3.1kg)
SMM: 47.1kg
SMM*(01/02/11): 47.7kg (+0.6kg) *Skeletal Muscle Mass
SMM: (15/02/11): 46.7kg (-1.0kg)
SMM: (01/03/11): 46.2kg (-0.5kg)
SMM: (16/03/11): 45.6kg (-0.6kg)
Body Fat Mass: 13.9kg
Body Fat Mass (01/02/11): 11.9kg (-2.0kg)
Body Fat Mass: (15/02/11): 9.3kg (-2.6kg)
Body Fat Mass: (01/03/11): 6.8kg (-2.5kg)
Body Fat Mass: (16/03/11): 4.6kg (-2.2kg)
Body Mass Index: 25.9kg/m
Body Mass Index (01/02/11): 25.7kg/m (-0.2kg)
Body Mass Index: (15/02/11): 24.6kg/m (-1.1kg)
Body Mass Index: (01/03/11): 23.7kg/m (-0.9kg)
Body Mass Index: (16/03/11): 22.9kg/m (-0.8kg)
Percentage Body Fat: 14.6%
Percentage Body Fat (01/02/11): 12.6% (-2%) 
Percentage Body Fat: (15/02/11): 10.3% (-2.3%)
Percentage Body Fat (01/03/11): 7.7% (-2.6%)
Percentage Body Fat (16/03/11): 5.5% (-2.2%)
Waist-Hip Ratio: 0.83
Waist-Hip Ratio (01/02/11): 0.82 (-0.01)
Waist-Hip Ratio : (15/02/11): 0.81 (-0.01)
Waist-Hip Ration: (01/03/11): 0.80 (-0.01)
Waist-Hip Ration: (16/03/11): 0.79 (-0.01)
Visceral Fat Area: 97.8
Visceral Fat Area: (01/02/11) 93.1 (-4.7)
Visceral Fat Area: (15/02/11): 82.3 (-10.8)
Visceral Fat Area: (01/03/11): 66.3 (-16.0)
Visceral Fat Area: (16/03/11): 61.3 (-5.0)


  1. Dude, i mean come ON! give the rest of us a chance. 4.6kg fat mass on your whole body? 11kg total loss so far? Bodyfat at 14.6%? FUHGEDDABOUDIT!

    SUPERB numbers, lighting up like a christmas tree! I wonder what you have left in your locker for the final 30 days. Keep it up.

    As the Doc said to Marty in Back to the Future (2?), 'where we're going, we don't need roads'.

  2. Holy cow. Those numbers are impressive. I bet you boys are going to bulk up (in a good way, lean muscle) now that your bodyfat is so much lower. You have been working hard... keep it going... can't wait to finish!

  3. What you're starting to see is your body's natural fat/muscle ratio in a low bodyfat environment. We'll bulk you up a bit, but basically, without the addition of some serious weightlifting, this vicinity of muscle mass is where you'll stay.

    This doesn't, however, mean you can't make huge gains in tone, which you will.

    As you put a bit of fat back on the gaunt look will go away and you'll be right where you want to be in terms of aesthetics.

    Good work Geordie.

  4. Great, thanks Patrick, that all sounds good. Here's to the next 28 days!

  5. Geordie the machine...yikes...outstanding man! I am with you on the clothes. Haven't gone to the tailor yet but I have considered it. Figure I'll wait till the end. Finish strong!
