Feb 7, 2011

Kung Hei Fat Choy

I've been rather relaxed on the blog front as it's been Chinese New Year here in HK. This means fireworks, parades, Lai See (red envelopes containing money) and LOTS of food. I've had friends in town as well so it's been pretty action-packed. Through-out the festivities I've stuck to the exercise and the diet though. It can be a little dull sitting in a restaurant while others are scoffing food around you, but I'm actually really enjoying all the PCP-friendly meals that I'm making myself so I don't feel too left out. The exercise routine looks great this week - tough, but interesting, and great to have some variety. Have included some pictures below of some of the delicious things that I've been eating (and some that I've sadly been avoiding!)

An organic farm that I found on Lamma, one of Hong Kong's outlying islands

Great vegetables and noodles, but rather oily unfortunately

Steamed greens. Delicious.

View of the beach on Lamma, including the rather ominous 'Monty Burns' style power station in the background...

A great lunch in a small fishing village called Lei Yue Mun. Not much I could eat there but smelt amazing! 

A good walk before lunch.

Lei Yue Mun

The bird market in Mong Kok

Bird Market

Live crabs at Lei Yue Mun

Fishermen at Lei Yue Mun 

Definitely not PCP friendly, much to my disappointment...

Fresh steamed prawns, fantastic!

Again, not for me...

Scallops with garlic, spring onions and noodles


  1. not been to the bird mkt yet since i;ve moved here - must check it out. glad u found some pcp friendly stuff eating out, keep up with the goood work!

  2. Great photos man, you're living up to the adventure promised in your banner!

  3. I love the photos Geordie, except they're making me hungry and I already ate my daily allowance. Well done though.

  4. Jeepers that looks really good.... all of it (except for birds of course).

  5. Love the photos of HK- I lived there 96/97 and they make me want to come back. Talking of photos you are looking leaner and meaner in yours.

    Keep it up man.
