Feb 10, 2011

Day 27 - "Woot woot!"

Having read everyone's blogs this morning it seems that we've reached something of a tipping point. Up until now it seems that everyone has, to a greater or lesser extent, been counting off the days until we finish what I'm sure many of us think of as an ordeal. It struck me this morning that attitudes seem to have changed and everyone seems to be having fun (with no chocolate or alcohol - what is the world coming to??). To quote Molly: "We have 64 days to go. Woot woot!".

I went to a debate last night ("The world needs less democracy, not more democracy" - fascinating stuff; the outcome was that the world needs more democracy but the votes were surprisingly close) and while I was waiting to go in I bumped into a guy I know. We got chatting and he asked me what I'd been up to. I told him that I was doing PCP (we have a mutual friend who's an ex-pcper) and his reaction was surprising. His response was that doing a detox/diet was a ridiculous idea because it was ultimately unsustainable and consequently any progress made was ultimately undone in the months after completion when we return to our old habits. I understand where he was coming from, especially when you see the amount of fad 'diets' out there - from Atkins to lemon juice, pepper and maple syrup - but I felt that he'd severely missed the point.

The reason that I'm partaking in PCP is not just the immediate rewards that present themselves 90 days after we first pick up a skipping rope (although of course looking and feeling great are a bonus), it's actually a long-term plan and the program itself is really just the trailer to the movie. By working hard for 3 months I'm hoping that I'll learn lessons that will stand me in good stead for the next 60 years.

The exercises are getting tougher (waddles and jumps are a killer) but rather than feeling hard done by, everyone seems to be embracing the challenge and enjoying themselves. It's great to see everyone feeling so positive.


  1. Wow -- you said it great. I know I've had an attitude change and I agree, others have also. You start enjoying the process instead of counting down the days until it's done....the end is really just the beginning. Glad you are enjoying it also ---- Dottie said something somewhere about enjoying it also.

  2. Geordie - great perspective...and I agree. When I heard about the PCP from a friend (he was doing the PCP at the time) I immediately looked at it as an "education", not a diet...not even close. I really thought about the learning about food, the right exercises, balance, etc. The PCP has not let me down; I am learning a lot. Weight loss is the by product of being smarter. I am sorry to say your friend is a short term thinker.

  3. Geordie- great post. I am enjoying program and when I first heard about it... it was Scott saying that he was starting "school" on January 15th... he said it was nutrition and exercise- so that is what caught my attention and he sent me to ex-PCPer for details... this will be a new way of life for all of us--- it has to be because we are reprogramming ourselves and we are still eating- even more than we did before and it tastes good and it feels good.
    When we have strayed- we have felt the negative impacts to our bodies... and each of us have commentinted how we dont like it-- this is good times :) it is not about the weight, it is about the feeling :)
