Feb 1, 2011

Day 18: Stats Update

I got weighed and measured at the gym today and was actually pleasantly surprised by the results. The first time I did this was on Day 5, so after almost 2 weeks (Day 5 in RED):

Weight: 95.6kg
Weight: 94.7kg (-0.9kg)
SMM: 47.1kg

SMM*: 47.7kg (+0.6kg) *Skeletal Muscle Mass
Body Fat Mass: 13.9kg

Body Fat Mass: 11.9kg (-2.0kg)
Body Mass Index: 25.9kg/m

Body Mass Index: 25.7kg/m (-0.2kg)
Percentage Body Fat: 14.6%

Percentage Body Fat: 12.6% (-2%) 
Waist-Hip Ratio: 0.83

Waist-Hip Ratio: 0.82 (-0.01)
Visceral Fat Area: 97.8

Visceral Fat Area: 93.1 (-4.7)

So... if I'd just been going by a normal set of scales I would have just seen that my weight had dropped a little which would have been fine, but somewhat misleading. Good to see that stuff seems to be happening on the inside, even if it's not entirely apparent on the outside...


  1. EXACTLY why your weight is a meaningless number.

  2. Dude, loving this breakdown. I guess for those who worry about not seeing dropping numbers on the scales, seeing the above gives it all meaning. 2kg down on bodyfat, nicely!

  3. Yeah, I was quite pleased by that. Like everyone else I have been looking in the mirror and wondering when I'm going to see the changes. I guess this proves that everything is in check...

  4. THANKS for posting this...encouraging for the rest of us.

  5. Holy cow... Way to go, those stats are impressive.
