Feb 24, 2011

Day 40 - a bit of a wobble

It's funny, just yesterday i was talking to Nick J about how healthy and well I was feeling. Cut to about an hour later and I was feeling rotten, achy and sore...! I guess you've got to be careful what you say sometimes. Consequently yesterday's work-out was pretty tough, but I'm delighted to say that I'm feeling 100% again today. I'm still concerned about these pistol squats though - I simply can't get the movement right and it's really doing bad things to my knees (previous marathon running perhaps??). This is frustrating as I feel like I'm missing a leg exercise and I'd really like a replacement exercise to tide me over. I'm still trying to do the pistol sqats each day but I know my joints well enough to know that I'm not a million miles away from doing some damage...!


  1. Hey Geordie,
    I've been doing regular squats instead of the pistols. I do at least 4 x 20reps and really get low. I too am trying to avoid knee problems from previous wear and tear.

  2. I also thought yesterday's workout was a killer!

  3. This is how the body works, as soon as you think you know where it's going it throws you a curve, sometimes for the good and sometimes not.

    You don't have to go real low for an effective pistol.

  4. Hope you are feeling well... the pistols seem to get easier each time... but still pretty killer.
