Mar 31, 2011

Is it possible that counting calories can start affecting other parts of your life?

Inception (2010)


Weird... have utterly plateaued... Question Thread time!

Original Weight: 95.6kg
Weight (01/02/11): 94.7kg (-0.9kg)
Weight: (15/02/11): 90.7kg (-4.0kg)
Weight: (01/03/11): 87.5kg (-3.2kg)
Weight: (16/03/11): 84.4kg (-3.1kg)
Weight: (16/03/11): 84.3kg (-0.1kg)
SMM: 47.1kg
SMM*(01/02/11): 47.7kg (+0.6kg) *Skeletal Muscle Mass
SMM: (15/02/11): 46.7kg (-1.0kg)
SMM: (01/03/11): 46.2kg (-0.5kg)
SMM: (16/03/11): 45.6kg (-0.6kg)
SMM: (16/03/11): 45.6kg (-)
Body Fat Mass: 13.9kg
Body Fat Mass (01/02/11): 11.9kg (-2.0kg)
Body Fat Mass: (15/02/11): 9.3kg (-2.6kg)
Body Fat Mass: (01/03/11): 6.8kg (-2.5kg)
Body Fat Mass: (16/03/11): 4.6kg (-2.2kg)
Body Fat Mass: (16/03/11): 4.6kg (-)
Body Mass Index: 25.9kg/m
Body Mass Index (01/02/11): 25.7kg/m (-0.2kg)
Body Mass Index: (15/02/11): 24.6kg/m (-1.1kg)
Body Mass Index: (01/03/11): 23.7kg/m (-0.9kg)
Body Mass Index: (16/03/11): 22.9kg/m (-0.8kg)
Body Mass Index: (16/03/11): 22.9kg/m (-)
Percentage Body Fat: 14.6%
Percentage Body Fat (01/02/11): 12.6% (-2%) 
Percentage Body Fat: (15/02/11): 10.3% (-2.3%)
Percentage Body Fat (01/03/11): 7.7% (-2.6%)
Percentage Body Fat (16/03/11): 5.5% (-2.2%)
Percentage Body Fat (16/03/11): 5.5% (-)
Waist-Hip Ratio: 0.83
Waist-Hip Ratio (01/02/11): 0.82 (-0.01)
Waist-Hip Ratio : (15/02/11): 0.81 (-0.01)
Waist-Hip Ration: (01/03/11): 0.80 (-0.01)
Waist-Hip Ration: (16/03/11): 0.79 (-0.01)
Waist-Hip Ration: (16/03/11): 0.79 (-)
Visceral Fat Area: 97.8
Visceral Fat Area: (01/02/11) 93.1 (-4.7)
Visceral Fat Area: (15/02/11): 82.3 (-10.8)
Visceral Fat Area: (01/03/11): 66.3 (-16.0)
Visceral Fat Area: (16/03/11): 61.3 (-5.0)
Visceral Fat Area: (16/03/11): 60.5 (-0.8)

Day 76 - Indulgence

I'm in two minds about my indulgence. If I'd received a message like that from Patrick 6 weeks ago I would have jumped for joy, but it no longer carries quite the same appeal. In my head, treats are now 'good' food rather than 'bad' food. By that I mean fresh ingedients cooked with panache and innovation, rather than a greasy slice of pizza or a burger!

One thing that has been interesting is that over the last 10 weeks is that my relationship with food have changed immeasurably. Perhaps it's the fact that I'm never truly hungry, but I no longer crave instant satiation through junk food. I've always enjoyed healthy food, don't have a particularly sweet tooth, and can be pretty disciplined when I put my mind to it, but I was often lazy with my food choices. Takeaway food is the obvious example here. I'm enjoying appreciating food again and look food to nurturing this relationship going forward.

Consequently, rather than heading to the nearest kebab shop, tonight I am going to eat at the China Club. This is a great restaurant which will be know by anyone based in this neck of the woods. They specialise in Peking Duck and other delicious treats. Most of it will actually be pretty healthy, but it will be good to eat in a restaurant without organising it beforehand. I might even allow myself a glass of wine...

Mar 28, 2011

Day 73

Just a quick update as I feel that I have been somewhat remiss recently in terms of blogging. All is still going well, although I do have a slight feeling that I may have plateaued recently - perhaps this is down to the fact that the pcp routine has become just that, a routine. Because I think less about it, I'm less concious of it. Having said that, I haven't strayed from the diet and the exercises are all going pretty well.

One thing that I've noticed is that I'm hitting failure rather earlier than used to be the case. For example, elevated press ups seem to be something of a non-starter at the moment. After a first set of the required amount, I only seem to have enough juice to manage further sets of 5 - 8 at a time. I guess this is because I've pushed myself on the exercise before (chest dips in yesterday's case) but I'm not sure whether this is a good thing. Is it possible that the effort that I put into one exercise is having a detrimental effect on the rest of the routine?

Other than that, all is pretty good. Can't believe that we're getting ever closer to this part of the journey. I was laughing yesterday when someone asked me how long I had to go. I told them that I was on the final push and they said 'Oh, so a couple more days?'. They were somewhat taken aback when i told them that there was another 3 weeks. I guess for some people, 3 weeks of detox feels like a long time...!

Mar 21, 2011

Day 66

Am loving PCP at the moment. It's become so much part of my routine that I don't really have to think about it anymore. What I am thinking about is what happens next. I know that Patrick will be making his suggestions, and I also know that there's no going back on the diet; I'm amazed how much I love fresh fruit and yoghurt - I think of it in the same way that I used to think about sweets (that's candy to our American friends).
I am wondering what the next challenge will be though... Would love to hear what others are thinking life will be like post-pcp.

PS Those extra sets are giving a serious burn. Is it weird that I'm really enjoying that??

Mar 16, 2011

Day 61 - Weigh-in

Okay, so here goes for my fortnightly weigh-in and I'm running out of colours. It's good to see that I've lost 11kg/25lbs since the start of the project and I'm pleased that my BFP is down to 5.5%, almost a third of what it was 61 days ago. Like Nick J I always feel a bit disheartened when I see skeletal muscle mass go down, and I'm really hoping that the last month will see this figure going up. Patrick, I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on that... All in all feeling good though. Had to take 3 of my suits to the tailor yesterday to get them refitted. He was a little surprised to see that I'd lost 2.5" around the waist!

Original Weight: 95.6kg
Weight (01/02/11): 94.7kg (-0.9kg)
Weight: (15/02/11): 90.7kg (-4.0kg)
Weight: (01/03/11): 87.5kg (-3.2kg)
Weight: (16/03/11): 84.4kg (-3.1kg)
SMM: 47.1kg
SMM*(01/02/11): 47.7kg (+0.6kg) *Skeletal Muscle Mass
SMM: (15/02/11): 46.7kg (-1.0kg)
SMM: (01/03/11): 46.2kg (-0.5kg)
SMM: (16/03/11): 45.6kg (-0.6kg)
Body Fat Mass: 13.9kg
Body Fat Mass (01/02/11): 11.9kg (-2.0kg)
Body Fat Mass: (15/02/11): 9.3kg (-2.6kg)
Body Fat Mass: (01/03/11): 6.8kg (-2.5kg)
Body Fat Mass: (16/03/11): 4.6kg (-2.2kg)
Body Mass Index: 25.9kg/m
Body Mass Index (01/02/11): 25.7kg/m (-0.2kg)
Body Mass Index: (15/02/11): 24.6kg/m (-1.1kg)
Body Mass Index: (01/03/11): 23.7kg/m (-0.9kg)
Body Mass Index: (16/03/11): 22.9kg/m (-0.8kg)
Percentage Body Fat: 14.6%
Percentage Body Fat (01/02/11): 12.6% (-2%) 
Percentage Body Fat: (15/02/11): 10.3% (-2.3%)
Percentage Body Fat (01/03/11): 7.7% (-2.6%)
Percentage Body Fat (16/03/11): 5.5% (-2.2%)
Waist-Hip Ratio: 0.83
Waist-Hip Ratio (01/02/11): 0.82 (-0.01)
Waist-Hip Ratio : (15/02/11): 0.81 (-0.01)
Waist-Hip Ration: (01/03/11): 0.80 (-0.01)
Waist-Hip Ration: (16/03/11): 0.79 (-0.01)
Visceral Fat Area: 97.8
Visceral Fat Area: (01/02/11) 93.1 (-4.7)
Visceral Fat Area: (15/02/11): 82.3 (-10.8)
Visceral Fat Area: (01/03/11): 66.3 (-16.0)
Visceral Fat Area: (16/03/11): 61.3 (-5.0)

Mar 15, 2011

Day 60...

Wow, I can't quite believe that we've reached Day 60. Have of me feels like we've been doing this forever, but there's also a side of me that doesn't know where the time's gone. Knowing that we're 2/3 through is great though, and it's given me a real surge of energy knowing that everything is in sight (or almost in site if we're talking about the 6-pack).

I was interested to read Patrick's post yesterday about intensity and timing as I fear that thus far I've been slacking a little in the rest periods. I'm not suggesting that I'm stopping everything to read the paper for half an hour but I've probably given myself more than I need. Consequently I really went for it last night and it felt great. Sitting at my desk now I have that familiar dull ache of muscle soreness, but in a way that reminds me that I gave it some last night. I'm determined to keep this intensity up for the rest of the program.

The Italian's have all gone back to the Dolce Vita, so my life has calmed down a little (if I ignore the email detritus of 5 days away from my desk). I'm really pleased that I managed to get through it unscathed, although I am sad that I couldn't eat more of the delicious food all week. I've found over the course of the last 8 weeks that I have a greater respect for food, and I think about it a lot more. Not in a 'God I'm hungry and need a burger' sort of way, but in that I appreciate good food more. I've found myself fantasising about travelling after April and visiting places like Hanoi, famous for it's street food - it's become something of an obsession!

I'm also eating a lot of avocado, which I have a feeling that I might get called up on when the video is released on Friday. Did anyone ever read The Avocado Baby? It's a kids' book and rather relevant!

I'm still continually blown away by how well everyone is doing, keep up all the great work!

PS Patrick, some wine recommendations just for you:

Try some of the wonderful Barolos from Piedmont:

Cascina delle Rose
Az. Agr. Giovanni Rosso
Az. Agr. E. Pira
Cantina Mascarello Bartolo
Cascina Fontana

Mar 9, 2011

Day 54 - Indulgence

Still crazy with the Italians in town; today included a tasting, an interview, lunch, 8 more interviews and a dinner tonight... Today was also when I chose to have my indulgence meal, which I would have been more excited about had I had time to think about it. Either way, I had lunch at a wonderful restaurant called Otto e Mezzo. The food was amazing: Marinated Beef Tenderloin on a carpaccio of vegetables and crispy parmesan, homemade tagliolini of Boston lobster and bottartga, rucola and hot peppers, lamb medallion and lamb shank with whipped potato, parsley teleggio sauce and a lemon tart with citrus salad and a blood orange sorbet.

What's interesting though now that I look at it, is that this is not a million miles off being a PCP friendly meal. The portions were all small, the seasoning was kept to a minimum and there's a healthy mix of vegetables, protein and carbs. Go figure, no wonder it tasted so good... I did also try all the wines as well (sensible amounts rather than a large glass of each).

It's actually been fascinating talking with the Italians, and I love their approach to food. Great ingredients prepared simply with minimum fuss and a good balance between the different food groups. Consequently I'm feeling pretty good and my body hasn't reacted badly at all. This does encourage me as well that you can eat exceptionally well and keep it pretty healthy too. Admittedly the pudding was a treat, but it really was delicious and so small and delicate that I really appreciated it - a far cry from a bowl of ice cream....

Hitting the gym tonight and ready for another day of tastings tomorrow....

Mar 8, 2011

Day 53 - New Photo

Wow, it's been a pretty crazy week so far and we're still only on Tuesday. 8 Italian wine producers in town and tastings, lunches and dinners every day. I'm still on track though with exercises and diet so all good. have added a picture today which leaves me with mixed thoughts. I have a slight issue in that I have to take my picture myself and the set-up is not ideal - this leads to unflattering angles and lighting, but heh ho, such is life. What I'm not sure about is whether i look 'healthier'... Don't get me wrong, I feel great and am loving the diet and exercise, but I can't help but fee that I look healthier in the last picture - at the moment I just feel rather skinny and emaciated. Patrick, any chance that I can get out of Machinist mode??

Mar 5, 2011

Day 50

Days seem to be flying by at the moment, I can't believe that we're at Day 50 already. I must say, I really look forward to Saturday mornings to see what exercises we're facing for the week and (more importantly) what we're eating. I'm actually really pleased to see that I have a bit more food in the evening. It's not that I've been particularly hungry over the last couple of weeks, but I miss the process of eating and cooking. Eating eggs during the day is going to take a bity of forward planning, but nothing that can't be handled. Actually, this week in general is going to take a lot of planning as we have 5 Italian wine producers in town, which means around 16 events (tastings, dinners, journo interviews, lunches etc). I've had to speak to a lot of chefs to make sure that the pcp diet stays intact, and I'm delighted that I can have an indulgence day, which this time will be spent at Otto e Mezzo, one of my favourite restaurants in HK.

Weird day on the exercise front. Skipping was great, actually really enjoyed it, and feel into a good groove straight away. Exercises felt great, but I hit failure on a couple of exercises that I usually breeze through without too many problems (standing ovations for example). I guess this means that the routine is ramping up - nothing wrong with that!

Hope that everyone else is having a great weekend, here's to the next 40 days!

Mar 3, 2011

Day 48

It's interesting to see a new group starting PCP and makes you realise how far we've come in the last 48 days. Good luck to everyone on Day 3, you'll be into the grove before you know it and although it doesn't get easier as such, it does become more intuitive and natural (and, dare I say it, fun!).

Am enjoying the new exercises and the fact that we're targeting different body zones now, I definitely feel like I'm working hard, but I also feel like my body is up to the challenge. I was really pleased with my pull-ups yesterday as before PCP I had never managed to complete one. They're still really tough but I can bang out a few sets now - this is a bigger acheivement than it sounds!

The Kung Fu sit ups/pull ups are awesome too, although I do find it hard not to swing. All in all it's feeling good though.

I'm getting a little bored of egg whites for dinner - are we going to be able to eat a little more soon do we think?

Oh, and just booked a holiday to Bali for when detox is over so looking forward to some surfing, sun, yoga and healthy food!

Mar 1, 2011

Week 7 Weigh-in

Original Weight: 95.6kg
Weight (01/02/11): 94.7kg (-0.9kg)
Weight: (15/02/11): 90.7kg (-4.0kg)
Weight: (01/03/11): 87.5kg (-3.2kg)

SMM: 47.1kg
SMM*(01/02/11): 47.7kg (+0.6kg) *Skeletal Muscle Mass
SMM: (15/02/11): 46.7kg (-1.0kg)
SMM: (01/03/11): 46.2kg (-0.5kg)

Body Fat Mass: 13.9kg
Body Fat Mass (01/02/11): 11.9kg (-2.0kg)
Body Fat Mass: (15/02/11): 9.3kg (-2.6kg)
Body Fat Mass: (01/03/11): 6.8kg (-2.5kg)

Body Mass Index: 25.9kg/m
Body Mass Index (01/02/11): 25.7kg/m (-0.2kg)
Body Mass Index: (15/02/11): 24.6kg/m (-1.1kg)
Body Mass Index: (01/03/11): 23.7kg/m (-0.9kg)

Percentage Body Fat: 14.6%
Percentage Body Fat (01/02/11): 12.6% (-2%) 
Percentage Body Fat: (15/02/11): 10.3% (-2.3%)
Percentage Body Fat (01/03/11): 7.7% (-2.6%)

Waist-Hip Ratio: 0.83
Waist-Hip Ratio (01/02/11): 0.82 (-0.01)
Waist-Hip Ratio : (15/02/11): 0.81 (-0.01)
Waist-Hip Ration: (01/03/11): 0.80 (-0.01)

Visceral Fat Area: 97.8
Visceral Fat Area: (01/02/11) 93.1 (-4.7)
Visceral Fat Area: (15/02/11): 82.3 (-10.8)
Visceral Fat Area: (01/03/11): 66.3 (-16.0)


Today I wanted to write about something that is a little off-piste as in just over 2hrs a friend of mine is setting off on a 25,000km motorbike journey from Hong Kong to Brisbane, travelling through 10 countries. IIn each of the 10 territories Wheel2Wheel is highlighting one small charity or non-profit organisation that is tackling one of that country’s critical issues, doing it superbly but not yet receiving the systemic attention of the region’s philanthropic community.  

Morgan has been blogging about this monumental trip and there were a couple of paragraphs that stuck with me this morning, as he penned his final thoughts before departure:

"Fundamentally changing your life is almost impossible.  Sure, “things change” over the course of our 27,000-odd days on this planet, but do we?  Pretty much everything and everyone in our life keeps us more or less the same.  Life casts us and then we play our role.  We take breaks from it, we mess around with it, we reject it, we love it, and sometimes we question it.  Rarely do we change it, more often it changes us.

Most people would think I’ve planned my life strategically, the reality is far different.  I have tended to just react to opportunity rather than seek it out or create it.  I admire people who create.  My life is all about how I’ve reacted to chances that have come my way, and in that context I’ve always been an adventurer: willing try things and go places others dismiss without thought.  So I guess, this is just another adventure for me.  Wrong again.

After roughly 13,500 days, today I try to find my way home ….  Yes, in three hours I’m riding 24,500 kms to Brisbane, but I’m really riding into a new a paradigm I’ve been creating in my head for years.  A role perhaps cast for me, but with a script I couldn’t read until now.  Maybe life’s eternal questions won’t be answered over the next 115 days in the saddle of my motorbike, but my eyes will be wide open as I search for a deeper understanding of this fascinating planet and the people who inhabit it.

I have a sneaky suspicion there’s more to life than what most of us have seen up till now.  Whilst the first half has been full of amazing experiences, they all generally fit into an existential box I’ve been gleefully, yet naively, immersed in for too long.  My aspiration is freedom …  to roam … to think without prejudice or manipulation … to give … to experience only to learn … and to see, feel and hear the stories of others from different worlds.

Our world is changing, if not for the shortness of our individual time on this planet, we would see that so much more clearly.  I’m changing too, and one day soon I hope to see beyond my own imagination."

It strikes me that the physical journey that Morgan is about to commence is not dissimilar to the PCP journey that we've all been on for the last 45 days. If you have a moment, check out the website, it's inspiring stuff.